“Nuclear war” has broken out in Illinois – one that could result in the devastation of our economy and sabotaging of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) renewable energy goals of 100% renewable energy by 2050. Read more

Call your Senator and Rep, urging them to oppose HB1079 and SB0076, bills that  repeal Illinois nuclear reactor construction moratorium

We have received word that the two proposed nuclear moratorium-repeal bills will come for a final floor vote some time the week of March 20th. (Tuesday for SB76; by Friday for HB1079) Read more

Illinois Senate “Kabuki Theater” Hearing Advances Nuclear Moratorium Repeal

CHICAGO—A Senate Energy and Public Utilities committee hearing held today advanced proposed legislation that would repeal Illinois nuclear construction moratorium, a safeguard to prevent Illinois from becoming a de facto high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) storage bin.  However, the bulk of the discussion and testimony centered around the promotion of “small modular nuclear reactors” (SMNRs) – turning the hearing into a trade show for the nuclear industry. Read more

Senate hearing scheduled! Thurs. March 9, 10 a.m.  Witness slips needed on SB0076 – attempt to repeal Illinois’ nuclear construction moratorium AND      build more Illinois nuclear plants

The Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee has scheduled a hearing dealing with SB0076. Witness slips are needed to oppose the repeal of the Illinois nuclear construction moratorium AND proposals to build more nuclear plants – “small modular nuclear reactors,” SMNRs  —  in Illinois.  We need to act fast and aggressively.  Filing as an “opponent”  is recommended by the Illinois Environmental Council and others. Read more