NEIS provides the following services to the public:

Quick, Easy Access to Information:

Our staff will provide answers to questions about nuclear energy, alternative energy, nuclear waste, conservation, and other energy-related issues, either over the phone or in writing. NEIS also provides referral service to organizations and agencies specializing in these areas.

Speakers Bureau:

Our trained speakers have addressed school audiences from grade 2 up to graduate school. They are available to come out to school, business, church, or other organization functions to speak on topics relating to nuclear power and alternative energy. Print, audio, and visual materials may also supplement the presentation. NEIS also is prepared to train individuals interested in public speaking on nuclear power and alternative energy issues. A modest fee is requested for this service.

Films and Documentaries:

NEIS has a diverse film library of documentary and feature films on a variety of topics, including:

  • Nuclear power plants
  • Nuclear waste issues
  • Nuclear disasters, such as Chornobyl and Fukushima
  • Health effects from radiation
  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Depleted uranium
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Other environmental topics

We have the proper showing licenses for most films shown for educational purposes. We show the films in conjunction with a guided discussion after the film. We do not loan films at this time.

Research Database:

NEIS has developed an extensive library and database on nuclear related issues. The database is non-lending and is available to the public during weekday business hours or by appointment.

Focus for Grassroots Action:

In addition to the ongoing, educational aspects of our program, NEIS is also actively involved in important issues pertaining to nuclear power, and offers the opportunity for individuals and organizations to become actively involved through such activities as volunteer work, non-paying internships or work-study programs for students. NEIS will provide orientation, literature, and organizing for you and your group members on such topics nuclear safety, nuclear wastes, alternative energy and recycling, rate-hikes, and global warming.

Stay up-to-date with NEIS.
