Illinois is by far the most nuclear reliant state in the United States. As of 2017, if Illinois were a nation, it would be the 10th largest nuclear power in the world. There are ten reactors closer to Chicago than Chornobyl is to Kyiv, Ukraine.
Operating Reactors:
- Braidwood I, Braidwood II – 20 miles south southwest of Joliet, IL
- Byron I, Byron II – 17 miles southwest of Rockford, IL
- Clinton I – 6 miles east of Clinton, IL
- Dresden II, Dresden III – 9 miles east of Morris, IL
- LaSalle I, LaSalle II – 11 miles southeast of Ottawa, IL
- Quad Cities I, Quad Cities II – 20 miles northeast of Moline, IL
Closed Reactors:
- Dresden I – 9 miles east of Morris, IL
- Zion I and Zion II – Zion, IL
- University of Illinois TRIGA research reactor – Urbana/Champagne, IL
Nuclear Fuel Production Sites:
- Honeywell Specialty Chemicals Plant in Metropolis, IL. Converts uranium dioxide into uranium hexafluoride
- Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant – In Paducah Kentucky, just across the Ohio River from Illinois. Produced enriched uranium needed for reactor fuel from 1952 to 2013. 10 Billion Gallons (that’s Billion with a “B”!) of contaminated groundwater
Research Facilities That Work With Radioactive Material:
- Argonne National Labs (Argonne, near Darrien, Woodridge and Lemont – all Chicago Suburbs)
- Fermilab (Batavia)
Nuclear Waste Dumps:
- The GE Morris Operation – Storage for High Level Radioactive Waste
- Low-Level Radioactive Waste Dump in Sheffield, Illinois – (LLRW) closed in 1978 when it reached capacity, later it developed leaks and was abandoned by its operator (US Ecology).
- Manhattan Project Wastes buried in the Palos Forest Preserve in Red Gate Woods. A publicly accessible nuclear waste dump – perhaps the only one in the world!
- Spent fuel at Illinois reactors: as of 2017, over 10,000 tons of spent reactor fuel is currently stored onsite at all Exelon reactors, awaiting the creation of a permanent disposal site for the radioactive waste, which was supposed to have been provided and opened by the Federal Government in 1997. Each year approximately 300 tons of additional HLRW is generated by Exelon reactors in Illinois.
Waste Transportation Routes:
to Yucca Mountain, NV (if and when it opens):
- I-80, I-70, I-24, I-57, and I-54 (link coming)
- PROPOSED RAIL ROUTES THROUGH ILLINOIS TO YUCCA MT., Nevada: Norfolk Southern Railroad; Southern Pacific Railroad; CSX Railroad; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad (ATSF), Chicago & Northwest Railroad (CNW), Conrail, and Grand Trunk Western Railroad (GTW)
- Nevada Rail Routes to Yucca Mt. through Chicago
Contaminated Sites:
- Exelon was forced to admit the leakage of over 6 million gallons of tritium-contaminated water from the Braidwood Nuclear Power Station, which occurred in 1995.
- Two Kerr-McGee sites in West Chicago (Kress Creek and a Sewage Treatment Plant) are contaminated by remains of over 6 million cubic feet of Thorium tailings resulting from the processing of Thorium for use in making gas lantern mantles.
- Radium contamination numerous places in Ottawa, IL (once proudly known as “Radium City”.) Thought to be from wristwatch manufacturing at The Radium Dial Company and Luminous Processes Incorporated.
Contaminated Sites Supposedly Cleaned Up:
- Kerr-McGee thorium tailings in West Chicago (Reed-Keppler Park, and homes built on over radioactive thorium tailings).
- Argonne National Labs – Once home to numerous reactors (Janus, CP-5, EBWR, Argonaut (CP-11), Juggernaut, etc.); and site of severe LLRW contamination.
- A list of radioactive sites in Illinois can be found at Proposition One
IL Nuclear Moratorium Repeal — March 2014
- Action Alert S.3417 updated 3-19-14
- Commentary on Nuclear and Radiation Related Legislation 3-25-14
- Sample Letter Regarding SB3417 and HB6007 3-24-14