We need whatever you have to offer.

Volunteer your time and talents to help NEIS.

Let us know how you’d like to help!

7 + 1 = ?

We have a variety of ways for you to volunteer your time, talent and enthusiasm toward creating a less nuclear world!

Office Help: filing, stuffing envelopes, data entry

Event Promotion: put up flyers, help with mailings, phone banking

Attend a Rally: have a good time while making a statement!

Host a House Party: Hosting an educational fundraising event at your home can be fun and effective!

These parties would have a twofold purpose:

  • To help get the word out on our issues, invite involvement of new people, and expand our visibility in the public eye;
  • To raise critically needed funds for the organization

The format is simple: you host the party, preferably with a theme; we provide the information, and the speaker and together we ask the guests to support NEIS.

Other Ways to Help

Workplace Giving: Help bring NEIS into your workplace-giving program. NEIS is a member of EarthShare Illinois. Contact us to learn more.

Equip Us: Donate/help NEIS acquire needed equipment or supplies. Contact us for the wish list! 

Contacts with the “Right Stuff” Needed: Provide NEIS with contacts to foundations, donors and/or alternative funders for outreach and involvement, and help facilitate a meeting with these contacts.

Shopping or Searching Online: Sign up with these internet services and designate NEIS as your selected charity. These organizations will donate to NEIS every time you shop, at no charge to you.

  • Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to Nuclear Energy Information Service whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.
  • AmazonSmile is the same as Amazon. Same products, prices, and Amazon Prime benefits.
  • Support NEIS by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com

If you shop at iGive, a portion of your purchases will be donated to NEIS at no cost to you.

  • Support NEIS by starting your shopping at iGive.com

Benefit NEIS every time you do an internet search or shop using GoodSearch.

  • Shop the best deals at thousands of stores & GoodSearch will donate to NEIS,  at no extra cost, when you make purchases.
  • Sign-up through this link and a percentage of your purchases will be donated to NEIS.