The legendary entertainer, musician, and just great human being Bonnie Raitt once again invited NEIS (and 5 other cause groups she supports) to table at her concert held at Wrigley Field in Chicago on July 17th. Sharing the bill with James Taylor, Raitt performed impeccably before a noticeably loyal fan base crowd. The tabling was hosted as part of the “Green Highway” team that accompanies her on tour, inviting groups she supports to table and give info to concert-goers.
Raitt also made time to invite the NEIS Team back stage after her set for a short chat about fighting nukes, pipelines and other environmental injustices. Board members Stephanie Bilenko, Kathleen Rude and Linda Lewison, and NEIS Director Dave Kraft got to spend some time catching up with Bonnie, who is a long-time regular supporter of NEIS and other anti-nuclear groups.